

发布时间: 2024-05-17 12:42:42北京青年报社官方账号

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"Gabi's long-term goal is to expand beyond Hong Kong and reach out to the Chinese mainland and Singapore."


"Fundamentally, the reason I'm disappointed is that, although the Canadian side insisted that Meng's case is a rule-of-law issue, the Canadian government has failed to take note of the fact that the discontent is in the context of the trade disputation between the US and China," said Paltiel.


"For example, every judge now has been ordered to prevent economic disputes from being solved by criminal penalties, but there is no rule on handling cases that involve both criminal and civil aspects," she said. "We're not sure which aspect should be solved first."


"For the Chinese government, the ethnic or Tibetan issue is about promoting socioeconomic development and common prosperity," Hao said. "Western media play up the so-called Tibet issue based on the Dalai Lama's words. But the Dalai Lama left the country more than 60 years ago and has done nothing to improve the welfare of Tibet, Tibetans or all the believers of Tibetan Buddhism."


"For many very good high-tech American companies, they're increasing their investment or their operation in China. Companies like Tesla are a good example because they see the market potential. They want to be part of China's economic growth. They want to contribute to it and they certainly want to benefit from it. So we welcome them all and will create a much better environment for foreign investment, better rule of law, etc.," he said.


